Hyvinvointitalo Onnela

Onnela, the house of holistic well-being is the perfect place for gatherings and events. We also host many well-being themed courses at our premises.
Mikä on Tunne Askeleet?
Yksityinen terveyden- ja hyvinvonnin hoitoon, tukemiseen, koulutukseen
sekä konsultointiin erikoistunut yritys.

Pirjo Timperi on hyvinvoinnin asiantuntija. Hän on Hyvinvointitalo Onnelan perustaja. Onnelan syntyyn sekä suunnitteluun on vaikuttanut vahvasti Hyvinvointi sen kaikkine osatekijöineen.
Onnela, the house of holistic well-being
This house has been a long-term dream of its builder Pirjo Timperi. In the building process extra attention has been paid to sustainability, comfort and well-being. At this house architecture and well-being come together in a unique way. The house holds the spirit of ancient Finnish timber buildings while providing all the comfort and facilities of a modern house. Sustainability is the word of today in architecture and materials. The house is built out of natural grey timber and it runs partly on solar energy.
Download a file about Onnela
Feel free to contact us:
050 353 4103
Patolahdentie 66
54500 Taavetti